They are the latest craze apparently - marshmallows that is - not the stony-faced quintet. Everyone's gone totally cuckoo for them. Well I could have told you that. I've been waxing lyrical about the heavenly, powdery and oh so delicately scented confectionery for yonks. I wanted to scream: "hey der man I got there first, so get off o' my patch!" But then I started thinking 'hang on, this is great advertising for me and my book'. So, taking full advantage, for all you fanatics out there, forget about eating them- read them! Get yourself a copy of Walking on Marshmallows. I'ts available to download on Amazon (just click on the big book to the right of this page to do so) and ta da, big drum roll, it is now, wait for it, available in Walkers book shops in both Stamford and Oakham high streets respectively. Yes, how wonderful, they loved it and hope to sell lots. So if you want the real deal, or think it might look good gracing your shelves, get down there and join the snaking queue; it's big and turquoise and showy, so you can't miss it!
Ta ta for now, must get on with my scribing, and my garden which is slowly taking shape, and the gallery which Peter and I are opening shortly. I sound a very interesting person don't I? But actually, I'm just your bog-standard woman with a penchant for dipping her garden-soil encrusted toes into lots of things, most to my detriment I think at times...
Oh, and I forgot to say, I've also joined an am-dram group. Yes, I know, utter madness! But more about that later.
Again, bye for now, let me get this bog off, I mean blog off ; )